Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

Boko Haram factional Leader, Abubakar Shekau has been told by Maj.-Gen. Rogers Nicholas, the Theatre Commander, Operation Lafiya Dole, to surrender to troops.
Nicholas said during the monthly press briefing of Operation Lafiya Dole in Maiduguri on Wednesday that there were no options left for him (Shekau) than to surrender.
The call comes less than 48 hours after Shekau said he was tired of fighting,
Nicholas said the troops had recorded significant successes in the ongoing clearance operation against remnants of the terrorists, noting that 186 insurgents were killed and over a thousand had surrendered.
“We have crushed the heart and soul of Shekau’s group and overrun CAMP ZAIRO.
“This time around, the troops will remain in the forest and there will be no hiding place, wherever they go we will pursue them.
“He should either surrender alive or we get him,” he said.
Nicholas maintained that the troops had dominated the forest to deny the insurgents hiding place, and that they remained committed to end insurgency.
He said that the military had embarked on the rehabilitation of Gwoza-Bita-Yamtake-Sambisa road to open up the forest, link it with adjourning communities and make it habitable.
The commander added that another road from Bama axis would also be rehabilitated to make the forest habitable.
He said the military had restricted movement on some highways in view of the ongoing operation against the insurgents in the state.
“We are geared to ensure safety on the roads so that people can travel to various parts of the state without military escort,” he said. 
Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

A national leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC),  Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, said evolving “true change’’ in the country as promised by the party is not an easy task.
Tinubu, recently appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari to lead the party´s consultation, reconciliation and confidence-building team, stated this on Wednesday in Abuja when he visited National Chairman of the party, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun.
In giving Tinubu the assignment, Buhari had explained that it was to improve cohesion within its chapters in the state ahead of 2019 general elections.
The assignment will involve reconciling political office holders at the national and state levels and addressing the crisis in Kano, Kogi and Bauchi chapters especially.
Tinubu said, “we worked hard to get victory; we have never governed before, but we won the confidence of Nigerians to govern.
´´We have a plan to really serve the country to change and reform the country, but it is not easy to have those changes implemented like instant coffee.
´´We have to grow it; we have to face challenges.
´´The challenges faced by the government and the president are enormous; it’s only because people are not paying attention to the various statistics that are available and we have to push that.
´´The challenges of reform and re-engineering of the finances of this country, stopping corruption and challenging the status quo to change are there; they don’t go away over night.´´
He, however, assured that he would give listening ears to all complaints from the party´s troubled chapters across the country.
He added that his visit to the APC national chairman was for consultation, saying that there was need for the party members to examine themselves.
The party leader said that since the party won election in 2015, expectations of Nigerians and the attendant goodwill were very high, but pointed out that “the situation is different today’’.
He said that he would seek opinion and advice on various complaints in some of the states to reconcile aggrieved members.
He said that he would move the party in a cohesive manner and reposition it, while re-building the confidence of members.
Receiving Tinubu, Chief Odigie-Oyegun admitted that there were challenges in some of the party´s chapters and even in its National Assembly caucus.
´´There is no question that there are major issues in the National Assembly, major issues in Kano, Kogi and Benue which is the current challenge,’’ he said.
´´We will make your assignment the most successful one; you are welcome.
´´I know you are here to brief us and tell us how you want to proceed and how we can fit into the picture and the way we will take it up,’’ the chairman added.
Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer told the New York Times Tuesday he paid $130,000 of his own money to a porn star who once said she had an affair with Trump.
The long-time Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, said he was not reimbursed for the payment to the actress, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford and who goes by the stage name of Stormy Daniels, the Times reported.
Cohen told the newspaper the payment was legal but declined to give details such as why he made it or if Trump was aware of the payment at the time.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Cohen said, according to the Times.
“The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
US media reports have said the payment was made one month before the November 2016 election to keep the liaison quiet.
Trump was a private citizen when the 2006 sexual encounter with Clifford allegedly took place.
He was married at the time and his wife Melania had given birth to their son less than four months earlier.
The payment was first reported last month by the Wall Street Journal. Cohen’s statement to the Times marked the first time he acknowledged a role in what he termed a “private transaction.”
Trump, through his lawyers, and Clifford, 38, have both denied anything ever went on between them.
But last month the celebrity magazine In Touch published a 2011 interview with Clifford in which she expounds at length and in detail on their relationship and what she described as their “textbook generic” sex.
In that interview, Clifford said she met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006 and had a sexual encounter with him then.
She said she spoke with Trump on the phone or saw him in person for about a year.
The In Touch interview, which had not been published before, was conducted before Clifford’s alleged signing of a secrecy agreement in October 2016.
Clifford has been taking advantage of her new-found notoriety.
She appeared at the Trophy Club strip club in South Carolina last month as part of a “Make America Horny Again” tour that will also reportedly take her to several other states over the next few months.
In a recent appearance on the late night TV talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live” — right after Trump delivered his State of the Union address — Clifford repeatedly deflected questions about the alleged affair and whether she had signed a non-disclosure agreement.
“You can’t say whether you have a non-disclosure agreement. But if you didn’t have a non-disclosure agreement, you most certainly could say, ‘I don’t have a non-disclosure agreement’. Yes?” Kimmel asked.
“You’re so smart, Jimmy,” Clifford answered.
Later in the interview, Kimmel asked her, “Have you ever made love to someone whose name rhymes with Lonald Lump?”
“I’ll call you whatever you want me to call you, baby,” clifford responded
Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has uncovered another fraud of N26 million allegedly perpetrated by its former Nasarawa State coordinator, simply identified as Tanko.

The development came barely one week after the board uncovered a N36 million fraud allegedly perpetrated by its Benue State sales clerk, Philomena.

READ MORE: Jamb Suspends Worker Over N36m Swallowed By Snake

Tanko was said to have embezzled the money he generated from the sale of the scratch cards hitherto used by candidates to either gain access to the JAMB website for registration or other services.

JAMB spokesman, Dr. Fabian Benjamin, told newsmen in Abuja that the former Nasarawa State coordinator had apologised to the JAMB audit team for his inability to account for the money for unknown reasons.

The officer, in his confessional statement, claimed that the unsold scratch cards were burnt when he was involved in a car crash, even as he failed to account for the ones he sold before a ban was placed on the use of scratch cards in 2016.

JAMB’s head of media said that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the police had been invited to assist in recovering money allegedly stolen by its officials in the Abuja headquarters and the state offices.

He said: “In JAMB, we have nothing to hide. We run an open door system, where the public must have unfettered access to information, positive or negative, present or past.

“The fact remains that the officer in question in our Benue office and many others found in similar situations in some other states diverted the funds before the coming of Oloyede.

“But, be that as it may, management is working assiduously to arrest and hand over to the appropriate quarters this snake that swallowed our N36 million and a host of others still in our system.”

Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

An Australian schoolgirl received a terrifying shock when she tried to find lunch in her Harry Potter Gryffindor backpack: a red-bellied black snake sliding across her hand.
The student at Augusta State School in a suburb of Brisbane alerted her teacher, who zipped up the backpack’s front pocket before calling a professional snake catcher on Tuesday.
Snakecatchers Brisbane staffer Lana Field said Wednesday the sub-adult snake was about 60 centimetres long.
“Nobody has died from a red-bellied black snake bite in Australia, but their venom can lead to serious sickness,” she told the Australian Associated Press.
“Red-bellied black snakes love hiding in dark holes,” Field said, adding it was probably attracted to the dark colour of the young girl’s Harry Potter Gryffindor backpack.
Few others on social media saw an opportunity to invoke a pop culture reference – with the serpent being the emblem for Slytherin – from the popular Harry Potter book and movie series.
“Bloody Slytherins, get out of the Gryffindor common room,” Isobel Roe said on the Brisbane Snakecatcher’s Facebook page.
“We do get calls about snakes from school but they are usually in classrooms, not inside backpacks,” Erin McNamara from Snake Catchers Brisbnae told dpa.
“We have been getting 10-20 calls every day.”
The red-bellied black is a venomous snake found in eastern Australia.
They can be as long as 2 meters and while its bite is not fatal, they can cause significant illness, including muscle and nerve damage.
They have been responsible for 16 per cent of snakebite victims, according to the Australian Snakebite Project.(dpa/LR News)
Latest Reality Blog is a legal blog where you are updated on online latest news, gist, entertainment, events, motivational text, and genue articles.

South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma is expected to hold a media briefing  today to respond to the order by the African National Congress that he vacate office.
While some reports said the embattled leader will hold the conference at 10:00 a.m. local time, some other reports said the time was uncertain.
“There is now confusion about the time. A Presidency official said there will be a press briefing, but a time is yet to be confirmed”, reported News 24.
South Africa’ ruling party, the African National Congress ordered  Zuma on Tuesday to step down as head of state but gave him no firm deadline to go.
ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule told a news conference the party’s national executive was split on precisely when Zuma should step down. Zuma had promised to respond to the order by Wednesday, Magashule said.
In explaining its decision to order Zuma to leave power, the ANC did not refer directly to the scandals surrounding his presidency. But it said his continued presence could “erode the renewed hope and confidence among South Africans” since the choice of new party leaders in December.
Since becoming president in 2009, Zuma has been dogged by scandal. He is fighting the reinstatement of corruption charges that were dismissed before he became president over a 30 billion-rand (now $2.5 billion) government arms deal arranged in the late 1990s.
More recently, the country’s anti-corruption watchdog wrote in a 2016 report that the Gupta family, billionaire friends of Zuma, had used links with the president to win state contracts. The Guptas and Zuma have denied any wrongdoing.
Magashule said he had met Zuma personally to pass on the order to resign. “We haven’t given him any deadline to respond,” he said. “The organization expects him to go.”
Zuma had asked the party to give him a notice period of three to six months but that had been rejected, Magashule said. “Timelines? No. The NEC believes that this is an urgent matter so it should be treated with urgency,” he said.
South Africa’s cabinet meeting set for Wednesday has been postponed indefinitely, the government’s communication service said.
ANC chairman Gwede Mantashe told a meeting in the Eastern Cape province that the party had given Zuma an ultimatum to resign or face a motion of no-confidence, the Independent online news service reported.
“Once you resist we are going to let you be thrown out through the vote of no confidence because you disrespect the organization and you disobey it, therefore we are going to let you be devoured by the vultures,” Mantashe said in a message to Zuma, according to the Independent.
Zuma is already facing a no-confidence motion in parliament set for Feb. 22 and brought by the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters.